Of course, this does not mean that the campaign is insignificant – you get to know the different factions, and a wonderful narrator guides you through the prehistory of the battles you fight. Whether you play the campaign – which is more or less there just to lead you into the multiplayer – or single matches, this is how Age of Empires IV works. The formula works heaps of dopamine are created when you go from sending out your workers to gather food, to making your first houses, farms and watchtowers, to when you can finally boast huge walls and an army that crushes your opponent to shreds. It is a genre formula that is based on Age of Empires IV, and that is how it should be. If you have played Age of Empires before, you know that the games stick to their strategy formula of exploration, construction, expansion and warfare.

It does not get easier, but unfortunately the simple is not always the best. There is minimal diplomacy here, perhaps apart from the occasional campaign assignment where you can bribe one or two neighbors with gold. You rule a nation on a battlefield, erect buildings, castles and barracks, farms and quarries, and gather enough resources to build an army, which you ultimately throw at your enemies. The concept of “Age of Empires” is really quite simple. The Abbasid faction is perhaps the coolest.