Addressed an issue where players could lose control of the ARC-XD when driving near the underground facility entrance doors on “Die Maschine.”.Addressed an issue in “Firebase Z” where the Orda was unintentionally difficult to kill during Assault Waves from Round 30 onward in 3-player and 4-player games.Super Sprinter spawn rate now begins at 20% (originally 50%) and increases 5% every 5 rounds while Rampage Inducer is active (25% chance at Rounds 5-9, 30% chance at Rounds 10-14, and so on). Adjusted chance to spawn Super Sprinters based on community feedback.Rampage Inducer effects now last until Round 55 (previously ended on Round 20).Addressed an issue where progress for the Onslaught Containment challenge “Contained” was being tracked when playing standard Onslaught.2nd, including 23 maps across Onslaught and Onslaught Containment: Onslaught available on all platforms starting at 9PM PT Nov.Added new rewards for the latest Gunfight Tournament.Added updated Throwback Moshpit playlist featuring Nuketown ’84 and remastered maps from Black Ops and Black Ops II.All Campaign save data will be retained and the mode can be reinstalled at any time.Players will now be prompted with an option to uninstall the Black Ops Cold War Campaign to free up disk space.Added new Cinematic Archive to the Barracks where players can watch cinematics from previous seasons.Added new Legacy Calling Cards and Animated Calling Cards to the Prestige Shop.Added new “Vicarious” Tactical Rifle Weapon Blueprint to the Prestige Shop.Players who have already completed all Challenges in a given mode will be awarded the Calling Card retroactively.Dark Ops Challenges are not required to earn 100 Percenter Calling Cards.